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Orinda Intermediate School

Home of The Bulldogs

Orinda Intermediate School

Home of The Bulldogs

Player Guidelines

The OIS After School Sports Program is open to all interested students. The program goal is to develop and refine individual skills, teach and reinforce teamwork while striving to achieve a better understanding of the sport. It is vital that teammates exhibit good sportsmanship, cooperation and a true understanding of individual differences at all times. Although we strive to win, the true goal is learning and playing UNITED!

Eligibility Requirements

  • On a given school day, a student must have attended at least one class to participate in an after school sports practice or game.
  • A student who did not participate in physical education on a given day may not participate in an after school sports practice or game
  • A student must maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average with no F's on the most recent report card.
  • A student on activity restriction may choose to practice with his/her team, but may not attend games. A student who was on activity restriction, and who attended all practices during the period of restriction, regains eligibility when the restriction is lifted. NOTE: If a student is removed from a team for disciplinary reasons, their registration fees will not be refunded.
  • All students participating in after-school sports must have a signed Concussion Information Sheet turned into their coach/instructor.
Player Expectations
Since is it our goal to grow and learn as a team, it is essential that you attend and stay attentive at every team function. A positive and willingness to learn and contribute are a must. Although we invite and encourage students to share your thoughts and feelings with your coach or Athletic Director, we ask that you refrain from being defiant or disruptive during team practices or games. Failure to adhere will result in disciplinary action.
Equipment and Uniforms
Students will be advised at first practice of any special equipment needs. Uniforms will be issued to all competing teams (primarily 7th and 8th graders). Uniforms are school property and must be returned at the end of the season. Students will be charged for lost, stolen or purposely damaged uniforms. Uniforms should be worn to games and team functions only. Please refrain from wearing this uniform to practice, for PE or recreation. The intent is to be able to use our uniforms for multiple years, saving money to the program, and ultimately for you the consumer.

Note: uniforms should be washed in a cold, gentle cycle only and hung to dry.
Rainy Days
We will make every effort to move practices indoors when raining or wet, although games may need to be canceled if weather or field conditions are poor. If conditions are questionable, the 'rained out' call will be made by 1:45 pm. Students will be informed via PA announcement at the end of 6th period and an email will be sent by 2pm.
Practice Ritual
Practice sessions are minimal, and therefore it’s important that students attend daily, be on time, and stay until the scheduled end. Students are asked to change into their physical education clothing. The locker room will be open for ten minutes after school. You are expected to be changed and be at your practice site within ten minutes. Locker rooms will be reopened for changing five minutes prior to the end of practice.
Game Ritual
For 4pm home games you are expected to follow the stated practice ritual, if the scheduled game is later, we intend to provide a supervised study hall setting for our athletes. They will prepare for their game approximately 30 minutes prior the start of the game. For away games, students are asked to meet coaches and carpooling parents in the upper lot near the science wing right after school. It is essential that we leave OIS promptly, since tardiness may alter the length of the game. Changing should take place upon arrival to game site.


Transportation to all away games will be provided by volunteer parents. Carpools will be coordinated TO games. Return transporation is to be provided or coordinated by individual parents since most parents attend away games. Directions to the venues are provided in the directions to other schools. Students who have prearranged a carpool home are requested to provide their coach with a parent note, which should be given prior their departure. 


Please be advised that it is hard to determine game length and exact travel times from each school site. Generally speaking, you can anticipate games to last an hour, and transportation to take 20-60 minutes based on traffic and distance.
It is our continued goal and desire to seek out and hire the best coaches possible. Hiring coaches is extremely difficult because of the limited hours and length of employment. We strive to put together the best staff possible! Your continuous feedback will assist us in meeting the needs of all!
Parental participation and assistance is pivotal in the program's success. Parents are encouraged to get involved, attend games, and take an active role in the After School Sports experience. 


We will provide team updates that will be e-mailed at the end of each week (or as needed). The Blurb will feature team information, announcements and upcoming events. We will do our best to pack all essential information into our weekly Blurb.


If your student has scheduling conflicts or can't make practice or a game, please email the coach directly and copy
For inquiries contact