Monthly Activities

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?"
— Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Others First program at OIS warmly invites you to volunteer your time to help others and spread kindness in our community! As we safely return to a normal life, volunteering provides real opportunities to meet new people, make new friends, and you can be a part of creating a more inclusive and resilient community!
Parents - please sign up for your child(ren) using the links below.
Additionally, students receive award(s) at the end of the year for achieving the following:
25+ hours = OIS Principal's Award for Community Service
50+ hours = President's Volunteer Service Award
(Note: Hours are cumulative over 12 months, from April 1st to March 30th.)
Others First Lunchtime Activity
When: Wednesday, February 9th at lunchtime
Where: Mini-gym 1
Why: Send some love to the seniors in our community by making cards for the residents at Lamorinda Village to let them know we are thinking of them this Valentine’s Day. Bring your friends and have fun designing the cards!
Others First Mid-year Appreciation Party
When: Thursday, February 10th at lunchtime
Where: Outside Puppy Chow
Why: Students who have volunteered for an hour or more with Others First or in an approved independent activity are invited to come get an appreciation gift (a sweet treat) from Others First! Students who have not volunteered before are also invited to come learn about volunteer activities that are available throughout the school year.
Bonus: Treats! Games! Prizes!
We are blessed with so much; let's give back a little and help others in our community! Sign up for any or all of the following activities.
By using SignUpGenius we will no longer be sending out confirmation emails. If you sign up, we expect that you will mark your calendar and honor your commitment. The system will send out a reminder email 2-3 days before the activity to the email address you used to login with SignUpGenius. If something comes up where you cannot go, it is your responsibility to remove your name from SignUpGenius as soon as possible to free up spots for others and for us to plan accordingly. If you are canceling or adding within 24 hours of the activity, please contact Tania Harrick directly. The number of spots available is a little generous to make sure we have enough. We will contact you if we need to wait list anyone. The sign ups are time/date stamped; it will be first come, first serve, but with first priority to anyone wait listed previously or with parents chaperoning. Please refer to the descriptions below for drop off and pick up instructions.
If you sign up for an activity through Others First SignUpGenius, you do not have to fill out an Independent Activity Form.
Wagner Ranch Nature Area: Join Toris Jaeger at WRNA in a variety of caretaking, clean up, and planting activities. Come help keep our Nature Area beautiful on Sundays from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Sign up for one or two 2-hour shifts each Sunday. Drop off and pick up at WRNA entrance. To sign up, please click on Others First’s Winter/Spring 2022 SignUpGenius and include the OIS student’s name in the comment.
Beautify the Bay Beach Clean-Up: Join us at Martin Luther King Jr. East Bay Regional Park’s tidewater staging area to clean the beach of trash that washes up, making it more beautiful for people and safer for wild animals. Volunteers should wear long-sleeve shirts, long pants and closed-toe walking shoes. Park Ranger will meet us to go over safety protocols. Covid-19 distancing and masks are required. Bring your own gloves, bucket and grabber if preferred. 2-5pm on February 27 (Sun), March 27 (Sun), or April 24 (Sun). To sign up, please click on Others First’s Winter/Spring 2022 SignUpGenius and include the OIS student’s name in the comment.
Ten Thousand Lunches: Join the Lamorinda community in alleviating hunger in several nearby homeless communities by empowering middle and high school students to prepare and provide bagged lunches, bottled water, and pet food. To sign up for January 2022, please click on 10,000 Lunches’ SignUpGenius and indicate “Others First” and the OIS student name in the comment field.
INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES: Visit Others First Independent Activities webpage for a list of pre-approved independent volunteer activities.
Please Note:
- An annual permission form must be on file for each student volunteer (included in on-line registration).
- Please ensure the student has no conflict with the times or dates of the activities checked below.
- Make every effort to honor the commitments signed up for as the community organizations rely on our ability to show up, be on time and fulfill the commitments.
- Because of the large number of students signing up for activities, your student might not get the activity(ies) he/she has signed up for.
- Students whose parents can drive will be given first priority!
- We will contact you if we need to waitlist anyone.