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Orinda Intermediate School

Home of The Bulldogs

Orinda Intermediate School

Home of The Bulldogs


Where Everybody Belongs
WEB is a national program utilized by our school and is designed to orient incoming sixth graders to the OIS community. It provides an awesome beginning to a new school and a new year.

birds-eye-view of students


WEB day is facilitated by staff members and a group of appointed eighth-grade leaders. These leaders provide leadership and guidance through a variety of meaningful activities. These activities are designed to build friendships, identify procedures and dispel myths. A guided tour and a variety of interactive experiences allow the incoming sixth graders to walk away from this day with a greater comfort and readiness for their first days at OIS.

Beyond the first days of school, WEB provides additional networking support, opportunities for social interaction and classroom activities related to social issues. The goal of the program is to create a positive community where EveryBody feels Welcome!








students clapping students doing an activitystudents playing a game